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Being hooked thrives on the underlying insecurity of living in an unpredictable world. We experience this insecurity as unease or restlessness. Wanting some kind of relief from this, we turn to what we enjoy, what comforts us. Perhaps it`s food, alcohol, drugs, sex, work or shopping. In moderation, these are delightful; we can appreciate their taste, their presence in our life. But we empower any of them with the idea that this will bring us comfort, that it will remove our unease, then we get hooked. And stay hooked.
Kind Regards
Sunder Thadani


Maxims for Life:
Success is less about luck and more about practice.
* What you give away comes back to you in a river.
* Money is the inevitable consequence of value delivered to other human beings.
* To have what fes have, do what few do.
* Think for yourself.
* Being happy makes you more productive, creative and exceptional.
* Don`t be selfish. Too many people think that`s cool It is not.
-Robin Sharma
Kind Regards.

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